Classic Doctor Who now streaming free on Tubi in the US and Canada

A few months back, I scheduled a medical leave and decided that when it started, I’d subscribe to a free one-week Britbox trial and Binge-watch as much classic Doctor Who as I could.

At the time, that was my only available option, so I pulled the trigger, watched about 30 hours of Doctor Who and decided to get a paid subscription so that I could continue to revisit this childhood favorite of mine.

I’ve probably seen about 60-70 hours at this point, but today I cancelled my Britbox subscription. Why? The answer is in the title of this post.

I love Tubi. It’s probably my favorite streaming service, because it’s a treasure of so much oddball, obscure stuff across a wide variety of genres. Music docs, old sci-fi TV, B-movies, A-movies, horror movies you haven’t thought about in 30 years… it’s great.

Now, it is even greater.

The following are some of my favorite story arcs:

S5: Tomb of the Cybermen

S7: Doctor Who and the Silurians

S9: The Sea Devils

S12: Revenge of the Cybermen

S12: Genesis of the Daleks

S13: Planet of Evil

S13: Pyramids of Mars

S14: The Robots of Death

S15: The Sun Makers

S15: The Invasion of Time

S16: The Pirate Planet

S16: The Power of Kroll

S16: The Armageddon Factor

S19: Earthshock

S20: The Five Doctors

S21: Warriors of the Deep

S22: The Two Doctors

S22: Revelation of the Daleks

S26: Battlefield

Aside from the highly imaginative plots and premises of classic Who, much of its appeal for me lies in its “low-budget” production values. I don’t view it in those terms, though. To me, the lack of realism adds to its otherworldly atmosphere, and almost makes me feel like I’m watching a stage play. I’m amazed that these people managed to crank out such epic stories with so few resources. Whatever shortcomings it has is compensated for by stellar acting, creative production design and top-notch writing.

If you like classic Who, and are a fan of science fiction books, check out my Effugium series, available in both paperback and Kindle editions here.

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